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10 Important Tax Considerations for the Manufacturing Industry

, , , , , | March 12, 2024 | By
10 important tax considerations for manufacturing companies

The manufacturing industry comes with its own unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to tax considerations. Manufacturers must navigate a complex web of tax regulations and incentives to ensure their financial success.

While there are many, here are 10 crucial tax considerations that manufacturing businesses need to carefully address:

1. Cost Segregation Studies: Consider engaging in cost segregation studies to identify and accelerate depreciation on certain components of real property. This can provide tax benefits for manufacturing facilities.

2. Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits: Manufacturing businesses often invest heavily in research and development to innovate and improve their products and processes. Fortunately, the government recognizes the importance of R&D and offers tax credits to offset a portion of the expenses incurred. Manufacturers should take advantage of these credits to not only enhance their competitiveness but also reduce their tax liability.

3. Capital Investment Incentives: Investing in machinery, equipment, and facilities is a common occurrence in the manufacturing industry. To encourage such investments, the government provides tax incentives like bonus depreciation and Section 179 deductions. Manufacturers should explore and leverage these incentives to reap substantial tax benefits.

4. Inventory Accounting Methods: Manufacturers must carefully select the most appropriate inventory accounting method, such as FIFO (First-In, First-Out) or LIFO (Last-In, First-Out). The chosen method can significantly impact the cost of goods sold and, consequently, the taxable income. Manufacturers should analyze their inventory management practices and consult with tax professionals to determine the best accounting method for their specific circumstances.

5. State and Local Tax Considerations: Operating in multiple jurisdictions means manufacturers must navigate various state and local tax rules. These considerations include income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes. Manufacturers must stay informed about the tax implications in each jurisdiction they operate in to ensure compliance and optimize their tax strategies.


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6. Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) and Foreign Tax Credits: With the globalization of manufacturing operations, tax implications extend beyond domestic borders. Manufacturers with foreign subsidiaries must understand international tax provisions like GILTI, which may affect their income earned abroad. Utilizing foreign tax credits can help mitigate double taxation and optimize the overall tax position.

7. Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC): The WOTC provides tax credits to manufacturers who hire individuals from specific target groups, such as veterans and individuals receiving government assistance. Manufacturers should proactively explore this opportunity to not only contribute to social welfare but also benefit from tax advantages.

8. Environmental Tax Credits and Incentives: As sustainability becomes increasingly important, manufacturers should explore tax credits and incentives for implementing environmentally friendly practices and investments. By adopting energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices, manufacturers can not only reduce their environmental impact but also enjoy tax benefits.

9. Employee Benefits and Retirement Plans: To attract and retain skilled workers, manufacturers must optimize their employee benefits and retirement plans. Certain benefit plans offer tax advantages for both the employer and employees. By strategically designing these plans, manufacturers can enhance their workforce while simultaneously reducing their tax burden.

10. Sales and Use Tax Compliance: Compliance with sales and use tax regulations is crucial for manufacturers, both in terms of the sale of manufactured goods and the purchase of raw materials and equipment. The complexities of operating in multiple states require manufacturers to stay vigilant and ensure compliance with varying tax regulations.

Navigating the complexities of tax considerations in the manufacturing industry can be overwhelming. Therefore, manufacturers should collaborate closely with tax professionals who specialize in the industry. By staying informed about changes in tax laws and taking a proactive approach to tax planning, manufacturers can optimize their tax positions and focus on what they do best – driving innovation, creating jobs, and contributing to economic growth.

At C&A we have worked with hundreds of manufacturing companies across the country to help set the business, and the business owners up for tax efficiency and substantial tax savings.

Get in touch with our team if you're looking for help. Click here to contact us.