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Advanced Entity Structuring

Most businesses are unaware that they operating in an inefficient entity structure.

You cannot assume that the entity structure you chose at the outset of your business is still the most tax-efficient. Far too many businesses do, and it's costing them money.

As a business owner, it's your responsibility to evaluate and adapt year-over-year, just doing what you did the previous year is likely increasing your tax liability.


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Recent Work: Manufacturing Client

A family owned manufacturing company has steadily grown their business but neglected to evolve their tax strategy. As a result, their tax liability was now impacting their ability to invest in the business and grow their individual wealth. C&A Implemented an Advanced Entity Restructuring strategy to reduce income and self employment taxes.

Result: $350,000 in savings


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Strategic Entity Restructuring & Tax Planning

An evaluation of your entity structure can dramatically reduce your overall tax liability and improve your organization’s position for the future.

An advanced entity structure can mirror the self-employment tax benefits of an S Corp while providing additional passive income, retirement planning, and exit planning opportunities.


Is Your Operating Structure Tax-Efficient?

15 Minutes Could Have a Huge Impact

Contact us to set up a brief, 15-minute conversation with our team. We will be able to quickly identify opportunities to reduce your tax liability and optimize your entity structure to position you and your family for a better future.

In our effort to empower the taxpayer, we've helped thousands of clients across the country reduce their tax liability.

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The S Corp Trap

Choosing to elect S Corp status can provide several advantages, including pass-through taxation. However, there are many potential drawbacks to consider. Learn more about how to avoid the S Corp trap.

What our clients say about C&A.

"They coach business owners to really implement critical strategies…they can look at your operation, figure out your returns, and then figure out the efficiencies that you can implement in order to save money."

Jonas Angus, President, TPE Solutions




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If you're a business owner, our team can help you plan for and take advantage of tax credits and deductions that can save you thousands in taxes. Set up a time to talk with one of our licensed tax experts today.

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